Do you want to return your product, experience issues with your order, or have not yet received your order while you need to pay your Klarna invoice?

Please use the contact form on our contact us page before contacting Klarna. This way, we can resolve your issue much faster and easier.

Klarna's average response time is 4 times longer, which delays solving your problem.

What should I do if I need to pay my Klarna invoice but have not received my product yet?

You can easily postpone your Klarna payment via the Klarna app. Watch this video to see how to do it:

Postpone your Klarna payment for free in the Klarna app:

  1. Click on "Pay" at the bottom of the page.
  2. Click on "Extend payment deadline."
  3. Click on "Confirm."
  4. Your payment deadline is now extended by 10 days.

What should I do if I want to return my order?

Use the contact form on our contact us page and we will assist you and ensure you are satisfied. You do not need to contact Klarna, as it will only take longer for you to get your money back.

What should I do if the product I received does not meet the quality I expected?

Use the contact form on our contact us page and we will assist you further and ensure you are satisfied. It is not necessary to contact Klarna, as it will take longer for us to resolve your issue.

What should I do if parts are missing from my order?

Use the contact form on our contact us page and we will ensure the missing item is sent as soon as possible. It is not necessary to contact Klarna, as it will take longer for us to resolve your issue.

We are always available via the contact form on our contact us page, so if you have any other questions, you can always contact us here.